Marvel Avengers last movie phase 4 rumors confirmed : Avengers :The born of dark phoenix
Marvel Avengers last movie phase 4 rumors confirmed : Avengers :The born of dark phoenix After Marvel studios gets through CaptainMarvel and Avengers: Endgame , their release slate is nearly empty, save for Spider-Man: Far From Home . There's been plenty of back-door confirmations and rumors, but the production house is remaining pretty mum on their new offerings. We've decided to compile all of the movies — both confirmed and heavily-rumored — in one place that's easy for you to digest. Also of note, we've decided to include both of the remaining confirmed X-Men films in addition to the two Sony properties confirmed for release featuring Marvel characters. It’s no secret that the Marvel Cinematic Universe looks a lot different after Avengers Endgame , particularly now that we know who’s still alive and who won’t be active — alive or otherwise — in the immediate future. With “Phase 3” of the MCU o...